*WARNING* Loads of pics and some are randomly taken.
Our Christmas day dinner at The Line.
Grabbed the following pics from my Ah Lim FB:
She and my handsome bro fiddling with Ah Bui's new cam.
What? I cannot call him Ah Bui? Can la. They also call mine Old Man ma.
Sorry ah never post AB pics in case he kana recognised on the streets and become an instant celebrity.

Darling in her good mood.

Laughing-stock of the night - D sniggered at him for eating 叉烧饭.
Pls leh girl, look carefully! Is 烧鸭腿+烧肉饭can?
Oops... not forgetting the big bowl of 鱼丸汤.
Well.. we consoled him that hawker centre 鱼丸汤 don't have quail's egg and prawn.

D who adores my Princess to the max.

Mummy, I think I lost my hairband!

With Mummy! Finally!
Why my eyebrow so thick ah? I didn't tattoo it hor.

Happy Family. Finally!
Oei, why never wear hairband.

My bro looking pro with the inherited SLR.
Yes, skipping the "D" as well :)

Oei, why never wear hairband.

My bro looking pro with the inherited SLR.
Yes, skipping the "D" as well :)

My Ah Lim and her innovative ideas :)
Bean looks like boy without hairband while wearing dress.

Shame shame can see diaper.
Hai, why Mummy never wear that cutie little panty matchy matchy with the dress one?
Dress is a pressie from Auntie Cindy and Auntie Anna. Cute or not?

Presents time!

Yee!! Open my Bean's present.

Bean happy and cheerful again after her nap.
(Me in background making funny faces to her)

Auntie Yvonne knows Bean has problem falling asleep.
Organic toiletries and massage oil.
So pampered ah.. Mummy will steal the shampoo to use. Drop hair la. I need the organic shampoo more than Bean who... has not much hair *LOL*.

Thoughful Auntie Yvonne bought this dual usage MU for me.
My first Benefit item!!! Yeah excited!
Tried it once. Easy to blend. Much prefer this than Origin's "Pinch your cheeks" which dries up too fast, harder to blend and stains the finger.

Lousy bar code sticker that peel off the shiny pink layer when removed.

Learning toys from 舅舅. Wonder how soon can Bean start to play with it?

Leap Frog activity table with... PINK legs.
Ain't Bean a lucky baby? Hehe sounds like some baby stuff brand.
Bean looks like boy without hairband while wearing dress.

Shame shame can see diaper.
Hai, why Mummy never wear that cutie little panty matchy matchy with the dress one?
Dress is a pressie from Auntie Cindy and Auntie Anna. Cute or not?

Presents time!

Yee!! Open my Bean's present.

Bean happy and cheerful again after her nap.
(Me in background making funny faces to her)

Auntie Yvonne knows Bean has problem falling asleep.
Organic toiletries and massage oil.
So pampered ah.. Mummy will steal the shampoo to use. Drop hair la. I need the organic shampoo more than Bean who... has not much hair *LOL*.
Thoughful Auntie Yvonne bought this dual usage MU for me.
My first Benefit item!!! Yeah excited!
Tried it once. Easy to blend. Much prefer this than Origin's "Pinch your cheeks" which dries up too fast, harder to blend and stains the finger.
Lousy bar code sticker that peel off the shiny pink layer when removed.
Learning toys from 舅舅. Wonder how soon can Bean start to play with it?
Leap Frog activity table with... PINK legs.
Ain't Bean a lucky baby? Hehe sounds like some baby stuff brand.