The final weekend before MJ starts work. We had a little picnic at ECP with the Mamas :) Yeah I always enjoy meeting up with this group of friends. Bean was having a strawberry at Mac's before we managed to find everyone.
*Ding ding ding* The only kid who did not have a change of clothing went for sand play. Hello, Clarice said not going to let Alden play water/sand so I happily don't pack anything. Ended up all had extra set of clothing except Bean. Haha nonetheless we let her go at the expense of having sandy carseat... Ok it wasn't that bad at all. She enjoyed it very much and it wasn't that messy to clean up at all.

The kids at play. Little Ranen was with Mama on the picnic mat.

Our picnic mat scene. No peace when Bean came over. She tried to touch and "disturb" everything in sight.

A priceless pic - Bean's parents acting as if they were childless while Goh, as if she has a daughter, besides her 2 sons (cutie Ranen on her left).

Bean's new bf, Ryan. Wahaha Goh says she "approves". Wait, Bean's dad did not approve ok.

Yep she started out by playing on her own.
2 videos in the next post. Blogger doesn't let me copy the link here.
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