Eversince I got confirmed for my new job, 1 of the concerns is the meals for the family. I know I don't cook as often as I should be doing these days but when I'm back to working fulltime it will definitely be impossible to cook at all. Dinner delivery might be 1 of the options eventhough the food may have turned cold but it sure saves the hassle of making another trip downstairs to pack food. Gosh somehow now (as I'm typing this) I'm having cold feet. Do I really want to go back to work? Terrible...
I got the job offer on a Fri and I actually did something that I don't think I have done before - Cook dinner on Sunday!! Must treasure the opportunity to have homecooked meals as much as possible. Poor Bean Bean will be eating a lot of MSG very very soon...

A new dish - Garlic mayo cod fish. Taken off Wokking Mum's blog. Simple and delicious dish. I even used the tail part as recommended by WM. Everyone loves it. Sorry I didn't bother to serve it nicely. Just serv together with the baking paper. *Did I mention that WM is my friend on FB? Very nice and humble lady. I like her.*

The fish is baked and it's still very moist inside.

Seafood XO fried rice.
My bro was very very impressed with the dinner that night. *beams*

Pumpkin rice. I think I did a nice job. Bean even ate almost her whole portion despite being sick. But the next time I cooked it she simply refused to eat it. She's getting very naughty these days.

1 comment:
when cook for me T.T
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