Visited Pauline and her Princess over the weekend. Gosh Pauline seems to be having an easier time than I was during my confinement. Don't know why but I dread having visitors come over during that phase. I was so tired all the time and having guests over meant that I could not nap and have to do a lot of talking. *LOL* Pauline my heroine delivered via natural and without epidural. Her delivery was a fast and smooth one. Well done gal!
Baby Chloe smiling to Auntie Jo.

Baby Chloe showing off her 婴桃小嘴.

The 3 week old and the 3 month old.
3 week one so gentle. 3 month one looks so gangsterish.
Making the "kill ppl face" and like going for 谈判.

Baby Chloe is the longest (ok tallest) baby I ever seen. 55cm at birth! My 湘颖 was like 48cm... cannot blame la. Look at her parents' height.

Super looks like her Dad. I always hear ppl say 1st daughter looks like Dad.
Maybe it's true? Mine too!

Catching a wink and 霸占 Chloe's beanie pillow.
looks like u lo,..not dad cute...i agree with ferine...looks more like you...
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