Day time in the onsen was ok. Not as scary as it looked in the night time.
Futon was kept and breakfast laid when we were back.
Very efficient ppl but not much of privacy to speak of.
Guess that's the way it is for meals included ryokans.
Breakfast was a sumptous spread with hotpot soup and grilled fish.
The fish smelled really fishy at first but very very delicious when eaten.
Sad to say the soup is quite tasteless.
There was a pce of tofu in the soup containing some yellow flower.
I'm guessing it was either some wild flower or chrysanthemum.
We had the same flower in one of the dishes the night before as a garnish but this was integrated in the tofu.
I skipped it since it tasted... awkward to me. Hubs downed everything.
Same rice was served but we ate little of it as we are not used to heavy meal early in the morning.
Super sour Ume with sugar for dipping but it tasted salty to me.
Me with the hospitable Auntie Aisha.
Hubs gave her a small tip when bidding goodbye to her and she went on her knees to bow to us.
*shocked us*. Hubs so paiseh and kept asking her to get up.
The Japanese are really sincere and proud of their job.
Something which I admire and something that Singaporeans lack of.
Final pic in the Yukata and of the nice view.
Oh I hate to be shot from bottom up.
Shows my fat face and double chin.
Final pic in the beautiful room.
Indeed looks fatter shot bottom up.
Ok stop whining. Fat means fat la. *LOL*
Taken in front of the Ryokan.
The strange 伯伯 who took the pic kept mumbling something like Singaporeans
use the best camera and latest model but didn't he realise Fujifilm is a Japanese make?
Same spot, same props, same pose!
Hubs shamelessly proclaimed that this pic is good enough to be made into a postcard.
Close up of the same pose. Haha
At the gondola station.
I love my ZA mascara. *LOL*
Ok we reached the other end.
The bored 伯伯 manning the gondola not too friendly but that doesn't bother us much.
Yes yes. Hubs had to drag the luggage up 2 zig-zag slopes.
A little cafe right outside Miyanoshita station.
They even have a free foot onsen for the patrons but we were too full for anything at the moment so we could only see.
Excursion map of Miyanoshita but it's pretty useless for us since we couldn't understand the langauge.
Besides, we already have an agenda for the day.
Hehe... Gotemba factory outlet here we come!
Timetable of the Tozan train.
Fujiya Hotel seems very popular and famous.
Only walking distance from the station.
Think I did try to book this hotel but it was full so we went for the latter.
Overview of the station
Me at the indoor waiting area only to be directed by the station master to take a bus downhill instead for our destination.
*Diao* Down we went from the place we came from (steep slope) with that heavy luggage case.
Onboard the Tozan bus.
Which happened to be the wrong bus.
*Double Diao*
Can't remember how we realised it's the wrong bus but we had to go down in the middle of the ride as I needed the ladies' badly.
My bad habit. Think Hubs is the only person on earth can tahan my special habit (not forgetting my 2 besties who used to accompany to ladies' for the same reason).
That's why I married him.
Some road signs near the bus stop where we got off from.
A cute little coffeehouse not far from where we alighted.
This area looks ulu right?
That's the beauty of Hakone.
* Blurly top left corner caused by my little finger *
Me waiting in some shelter. Was really quite cold.
We tried our luck by boarding this bus
Finally... after another change of bus, we get to the correct bus stop.
Bus goes to Gotemba JR station.
Nothing special but something random that I snapped while waiting for bus.
Seems to be a cosy little coffeehouse there .
Meiji Melty Kiss in Dark Rum flavour.
Tasted quite like Royce Champagne choc but at a much cheaper price.
Finally reached Gotemba JR station.
Shuttle service to factory outlet runs every 20min.
At this point, we began conversation with a Chinese couple from HK.
The lady was a Malaysian married to a Hong Konger.
She exclaimed that Hubs and me looked too young to be married!
I was like *duh*. What a remark!
Finally reached the destination.
Think it took us like 3-4hrs to reach this place.
I felt the outlet wasn't very big eventhough I haven't been to the USA ones to make a comparison.
Do the Japanese like crepes that much?
Seems to be forever long queue wherever we saw a crepe stall.
We were tired and hungry after all that travelling.
Not forgetting Hubs had to lug the red suitcase all the way.
Not wanting to spend on posh restaurants nor go for fastfood, here we were at the foodcourt.
Selection at the food court was very limited.
I went for a safe choice. Pork ramen.
Not very tasty and yet expensive.
Hubs decided to try the chap chye png.
Prawns was nice but too salty for my liking.
Paying 1030yen for ccp at a food court was a little exorbitant I felt.
Halloween fever in the outlet
I spot what I came for!
Found it! Guess what I saw in the shop?
* To be revealed at the end of the post *
Vague view of Fuji-san from factory outlet.
I swear the view is much clearer in reality.
Crocs didn't have a proper shop. Only a small kiosk.
I was fascinated by the cute carrying bag.
Reminded me of my marketing bag at home.
* Enough Auntie or not? *
Ferris wheel that lights up when it's dark.
My camera can't capture night shots.
Sky was really dark at when it was only 5pm.
Most of the stuff were expensive here and nothing much worth buying for us.
We decided to leave around 6+.
You say 巧 or not?
We bumped into the same couple while waiting for shuttle bus back to Gotemba JR station.
They bought quite a lot of things.
We bought a grand total of 3 items and spent only 1100yen after walking for 3-4hrs!
It was really chilly at the bus stop.
The couple took a cab to their hotel and we waited for the bus to Fuji Hakone Guesthouse.
It's a family run Minshuku.
Was kinda late, checked-in at nearly 8pm and not much eateries around the area still open for business.
The host Yumiko-san recommended us a small restaurant about 5-10min walk away from the guesthouse.
We were the last patrons for the night.
Last serving was 9pm and we barely made in it time.
The counter inside.
Hubs tired and hungry.
Me still wanna act 容光奂发.
Hubs' order. Shrimps again.
Boring guy. But it was really delicious and he ordered extra rice.
I finished the prawn crackers for him.
My spaghetti. Tasted really special. Can't make out what the sauce is made of.
Dunno what's the meaning of daikon but too shy to ask.
The lady did not seem to know English very well.
Back to our room where I started to camwhore my new purchase.
It's the Pasadena Small Abby
7560yen when it's going for USD155 on Kate Spade webbie.
It's a great great buy *smirks*.
Stopped by Lawson to buy breakfast for the following day.
The chicky little snack is so delicious.
Had wanted to buy the Ume-shu for Ah Teo when back in Toyko but couldn't find it anymore.
Can ignore the smallest pack there. Doesn't belong to me.
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