However, I do try to put her back inside on/off so she still remembers that mealtime means sit inside highchair. And just recently I gave her small pcs of bread, biscuits or fruits to self-feed for breakfast. Initially I used a colourful pick for picking up the food and put the food in a feeding bowl but that's was a little too "interesting" for her so I went back to let her use her fingers. The picks and bowls can be re-introduced later on. That said, I was quite proud of the initial times she was able to eat from the pick :)
This is a pic of XY eating her Farley's biscuit which she doesn't really like much. She's such a small eater that 1/2 a pc of Farley's can tong for the next 4hrs. It's amazing right? I'll give her her morning milk (150ml ebm) at 9am and breakfast about 1hr later. Her lunch would be at least 3-4hrs after her breakfast time which is right after her morning nap (usually 1130am-2pm, plus minus). Well, her best record was having 130ml milk at 9am and NOTHING in between and slept from 12pm to 330pm. When I gave her her lunch at close to 4pm (1st warm meal of the day), she even not very keen to eat. And when she woke up from her nap, she didn't even cry in hunger. That's my eat-like-a-bird daughter for you :S
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