Thursday, July 22, 2010

Celebration of Xiang Ying's 1st birthday

Another back dated post :)

We had this advance small celebration for our darling daughter about 12 days before her actual 1st birthday (date specially chosen cuz of The Wedding of the Year on 25/07/10!!). Some (or rather, ALL) mummies I got to know from SMH July forum have planned for their little one's 1st birthday bash MONTHS ago and I'm the only one who thought of it about 2 weeks beforehand. To be very frank, I was more concentrating on getting my *C* bag than planning the party. I didn't want to invite relatives who had seen XY for only once or twice, nor invite not so close friends. Just wanted to have all my closest ppl here to share the joy. Pity I was busy running around that we had so few pics taken that day :(

Birthday girl and her little friend Alden. Alden is exactly 4 months younger than XY. Can you tell? 1 grouchy face and 1 worried face. Worried face cuz is past his nap time. I don't know what's with the grouchy face though...

Favours for the kids. I only had about 5 kids so preparing the favours took me minimal time.

These are the contents for the infants. Wakodo fruit/vegetable juice, Jap baby biscuits and Baby Bites. The juice came in pack of 3 and I only bought 1 pack meaning the birthday girl don't get any. Her dad was slightly miffed why so, I answered him: "Not as if she can sip from a straw". *LOL*

The older children get this. Oopsie, forgot to give to Sharon's Royce :(

And here goes the ONLY few pics that we have...

Little XY in her walker and showing off.

Taken by Mrs Tan with her mobile as a toy for little XY.


(Big Sis Rachel in the background)

The 2kg birthday cake from Bengawan Solo. Vanilla sponge with lychees. This sort of made people change the impression towards BS cakes I think. Not the prettiest cake darling but Mummy promise to get you a more beautiful cake next year when you are old enough to choose :)

Finally a family pic. I was planning to iron my hair straight but I had ppl coming in 1.5hr before the said time so I had to forgo the idea. Clarice prompted me to change into my outfit while it was still early and I told her this was it. Hahaha sloppy as ever huh!

With my family.

This is the only pic with Baby Chloe... Sigh x 10. Why so few pics??

Official caterer of the day. I over ordered a bit...

We took this after everyone left. Can't bear to remove the pretty party decorations.
Little Princess with her tiara and wand. (Forgotten to take the wand during cake cutting session)

With her Daddy...

Thanks everyone for the well wishes, gifts and Ang Baos :D

* All party decorations credits of Sherryl, Mummy of Adelle who is also a July 09 baby. *

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