Aborted the initial idea of having roller blind in study room due to the ugly gap in between the 2 panels and also to cut cost.
Ended up the final quote (after taking measurement) cost more than we were prepared.
Too tired to choose again so we remain with the selected fabric.
Total cost is $1469. $100 more than the initial quote! *faint*
Thought JT is cheaper than MGL but ended up also this kind of price.
But really must give credit to Steven from Joo Chiat branch.
Super good service. He tried to persuade us to get cheaper fabric to cut cost but not to our liking so we stuck to these.
And we don't even have to produce our invoice, he straightaway retrieved it.
We would highly recommend this shop to anyone making curtains but have to choose it yourself as uncle Steven taste is a bit um... you know uncle taste la.
Living room: Half length night curtain.
True colour is somewhat lighter.

Study room: Full length night curtain.
To match with the gray wall.

Pink room: Full length night curtain.
To match with the pink wall.

Mbr: Full length day/night curtain (with curved track).
Day curtain not shown.

Wei Mi 18/8 Stainless steel towel rail for mbr toilet. $180!!!

The real thing looks more impressive than the lousy pic.
Also bought a rail (80cm) to hang in kitchen wall. With S-hooks. $60.
Heartpain. Very very pain.
Almost wanted to buy at Hoe Kee. Their towel rail on $25 but we were skeptical about the quality.
Paid so much for Wei Mi's. They had better last ok.
Hubs said got lifetime warranty for Song Cho products.
I love the Chicken logo.
After buying above items, now only lacking dining table, dining light and 2 computer chairs.
Very very low on cash right now.
Have to wait till next month then can buy the rest.
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